Victor jara manifesto life of victor jara In English language Victor Jara was a Chilean singer-songwriter, uitarist, and p...
musicians who left their mark on history
most effective musicians on the history In Turkish language Tarihte, bazı müzisyenler veya besteciler, yaptıkları müzikle vey...
the most dangerous kings and commanders in history
Most dangerous kings in history In English language Genghis Khan : He was the founder and the first emperor of the Mongol E...
Indian kings and empires
The biggest indian kings India has a long and rich history of kings and kingdoms, with a great many rulers who have left their mark on India...
Where does come kurdish people
States established by Kurds in history Kürtlerin tarihte kurdukları bazı devletler şunlardır: Medler (MÖ 728 - MÖ 550): Medler, bugünkü İr...
Kurtlerin kokeni
Kürtler nerden geliyor,tarihleri Kürtler, dünya genelinde özellikle Orta Doğu, Kuzey Afrika ve Batı Asya'da yaşayan bir etnik gruptur. K...
Kurdish lider from iran
Iran kurdish lider Gazi Mihemed, who was a Kurdish leader and warrior in the early 20th century. He was a prominent figu...
History of the biggest lider,kurdish lider salahadin ayyubi
Salah ad-Din al-Ayyubi, also known as Saladin, who was a Kurdish Muslim leader and warrior during the 12th century. He is widely considered ...
Kurdish traditional, kurdish calture
Kurdish calture kirdish halay Kurdish traditional culture is a rich and diverse heritage that has been shaped by the geogr...
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